Just watch out for the Doodlebops
OMG...I just saw these guys for the first time last week when my son was sick.....I was compelled to watch!!
Boobah...TOO WEIRD...my son doesn't even like it.....ha!!
when i get up for work in the morning i normally watch a bit of news in bed before i start to move around.
the other day i was flipping through the channels and came across a very very strange show on pbs at 6:30 am (dallas channel 13) called boobah.
it is designed for very young children... and i swear it looks like an acid trip!
Just watch out for the Doodlebops
OMG...I just saw these guys for the first time last week when my son was sick.....I was compelled to watch!!
Boobah...TOO WEIRD...my son doesn't even like it.....ha!!
not like hairy armpits, hairy legs, and no deodarant natural... the no makeup, kinda unkempt hair natural.
matt swears i look the most gorgeous in the morning when i first wake up and my hair's all messy.
he doesn't like me wearing makeup (which is fine w/ me
My ex used to tell me he wished I wouldn't wear so much make up that I was beautiful without it etc. Keep in mind I only ever wear a little eyeliner & mascara, I thought he was charming (and I'm so gullible).
Imagine my surprise when the woman he married wears more make up than Bozo the Clown You could scrape THAT off with a knife. I wonder if he ever tells her to not wear so much??
We were taught in my criminal law class that if there are 5 cars speeding down the road, they're gonna catch the slowest one at the very back. Guess they weren't kidding!
Poor Granny...
my 8-year-old son asked me yesterday if i liked going to the kh.
i told him "no, not really.
" he said that he doesn't really like to go all the time either, but we have to go if we want to get into paradise.. i allow him to go to the kh with my parents when he wants to because he does like to go.
Jgnat, I too thank you for that suggestion, I'm going to look for that book this weekend. My ex takes my son with him on his visitation nites, so I don't have alot of say in the matter. I do take my son to my church every Sunday and talk to him when the times come up about how his dad believes what he believes, and that God loves everyone, not just certain people, etc.
FMW--you care about your son, just keep reassuring him and encourage him to keep an open mind. Don't let your parents tell YOU what you can & can't do with your child or tell your child anything YOU don't want them to say. Start practicing NO when it comes to them! It'll get easier! Remember, YOU are the parent, not them!
to all the mommy's out there...did you deliver vaginally or by c-section?.
i was fortunate enough to deliver both my children vaginally although i came close to a c-section with my son.
he was in the posterier position.
Both mine were born naturally with unnaturally fast labors.
First one, I had no idea what to expect other than what my mother told me. I remember being in the shower for the most part (highly recommend it if you can do it) and being yelled at to get "back on the bed" and discovering they should call the doctor fast. During my pushing/labor I would feel a contraction coming on & then it would go away. The doctor & nurse were having a discussion during all this about how "episiotomies" were "highly overrated" and well...once my darling was born (labor to finish 3 hours) I had to be stitched up big time..and come to find out, when my mother had me, she had the exact same issue...fun. He explained I had third degree tears..."you know, like the burn" If I had the energy I would have smacked him. Girl, 7lbs 8 oz 19 1/2"....today she's 5'8"...
Second..labor was fast, in the shower again, only this time I wanted drugs. Nurse came to check me, said "uh oh" and told me to get back on the bed...Dr came in to break my waters & my son came out with it. No time for drugs again...tore a little....but was rewarded by my handsome prince. 8lbs 7oz, 20 1/2 inches...labor to finish, about 4 hours. Today he's 4 and quite the handful!
Congrats on all the pending births...don't worry...as my mother says "it's the quickest forgotten pain....until the next one
i graduated from high school in 1984!
class of 84 rocked!
1984 graduate.
got a phone call from my daughter who lives in florida a couple of hours ago.
her significant other who i chose to call my son-in-law (because he is the best thing to ever happen to her) got a phone call that his 6 year old daughter was killed in an auto accident near lake placid, florida and his 5 year old son is in very critical condition.
the ex wife is also critical.
(((Happy Dad & family))))
I just read this thread, my thoughts & prayers go out to you and yours.
tijkmo is going to try to get crumpet's mailing address so we can send her a get well card from all of us.... so who wants their name signed onto it???
sign up here
(edited to add my own name...oops
I don't post very often, but I enjoy Crumpet's postings!! Please add my name...hope she feels better!
have you done it?
would you still?
is it ever acceptable?
I have a 16 year old I rarely had to dicipline, who to this day asks me to do things "Mom can I go here, there, wherever" etc. If she's going somewhere and her plans change, she calls me. If I tell her no, she'll grumble but she accepts it. She causes me no problems for the most part Good kid....
On the other hand I have a 4 year old who is the polar opposite of his sister. He runs from me, does things he doesn't want to do, acts out, screams at times and I have spanked him. It doesn't work...what DOES work is a time out. He HATES that more than anything and when I threaten him with the time out chair, he straightens right up. Doesn't do me any good to spank him....I tell him what he did wrong & he's at the age now he's beginning to understand his behaviour is not acceptable...pretty good kid
When I was growing up, I watched my aunt make my cousin go pick his "switch" then watch him get the crap beat out of him. No one stopped her, it wasn't heard of. I was mortified...he was a monster, but I don't believe he deserved that much!! She also made him eat soap, I never understood that..so I tried to be somewhere else when Auntie got upset with the cousin.
Some kids need it, some don't...
i was raised in as a jw, and got batpz at 16. i started pioneer at 18 and got married when i was 21. i was made an ms at 22, and was soon giving many parts.. my brother who was also a pioneer, eventually stopped, even stopped going to meetings.
he placed a doubt in my mind about 607. he simply told me to look at the kingdom come book appendix.. i looked at the material and was ablt to rationalize it in my mind as secular vs. biblical chronology (which is a gross oversimplification).
as well, i knew some things being done within the orginization didn't sit very well with me.
I believe your story and I'm sorry that you had to go thru it. I believe my ex (a JW) is going thru the same thing. His wife left him, filed a DV restraining order, took their son & brought mine to me with a story of the evils he did, etc. Only to go back to him when the restraining order time was up (she never showed up for the court date). I'm fairly certain she went back with many conditions & currently holds what's left of his manhood in her purse. She's a very mean spirited person, I've seen it first hand. I don't believe he's being physically abused by her, but he is most certainly being verbally abused. Only now she's involving my son and her son as well. Pretty pathetic.
It's pretty sad when even his family (all JW's) don't want her to be with him. They were VERY disappointed to hear she went back, but more so that he took her back. Of course she spun a wonderful story to me about how bad he was, what he did to her and their son..only to go back and is now acting like nothing happened.
Only a matter of time before she does that again
Glad to hear you are well...welcome to the board!